Caleb at 2.5 Years Old

F4D26B12-E22D-4F20-A533-568CB1B3AABACaleb Joseph
15th percentile for weight
5th percentile for height
100th percentile for adorable, full-speed, goofball boy401782E1-170C-45AC-A11A-8685A3D94871Caleb is such a delight. He lives life to the fullest every day. Caleb is well-liked by strangers and friends. Caleb’s charming blue eyes and smile will carry him far in life. Caleb loves playing outside in the dirt and sand and never slows down or considers how high up he is climbing. He laughs easily and naps well. We adore our sweet and short boy, even when he’s playing the “scream at the other person for fun” game. We love you, Caleb! DADBB6EB-D7EE-474F-844C-71964B2A33FBI asked Caleb some questions about his life. The bracketed responses are my input.

What is your favorite color? Blue

What is your favorite food? Bar
[he likes cheese and noodles above all else, crackers, eggs, chicken nuggets, bars, French fries]

What do you like to do for fun? Play outside
[play with Evelyn and Zach, build a train track, run in circles, watch shows, tickling, yell incredibly loudly]C9D3395D-6F88-4210-94ED-BCC97BF057A7What makes you feel happy? Happy!
[vehicles, playing with family, cheese, taggies, water, funny faces]

What makes you feel sad? Oh, sad.
[when we tuck him in for nap or bedtime, when he gets hurt by a sibling, checking into nursery]

Where do you like to go? That way
[zoo, playground, children’s museum, Chick-Fil-A, pool/splash pads]

Who are your friends? Names, friends
[Evelyn and Zach, Daisy, Joanna, cousins, Eli, Jack, Daddy, Mommy]70EED555-DF52-4255-9F19-8CF7D4D4E19AWhat do you like to do outside? Play slide
[swings, sandbox, slide, run, throw ball, splash in any kind of water, T-ball]

What do you like to do inside? Play house
[build a train track, run, tummy time/wrestle with Dad, watch shows, read books]

Who do you love? Love
[he loves his sister, brother, mommy and daddy, and extended family, of course.]

What is your favorite song? Daysa, daysa, daysa…
[Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me, Hello Song, John the Rabbit]C4833EC4-2618-4874-AD43-260AA7E55F79What is your favorite animal? Zoo giraffe
[fish, dog, cat, birdie, tigers]

What is your favorite book? Bible
[anything with trucks and trains, superhero 5 minute stories, Curious George]

What is something I say to you a lot? I love you!
[gentle, careful, wait a second, say sorry, no]

What is something Daddy says to you a lot? Daddy home
[hey punchkin]

What is something you say a lot?
[my turn, heyyyyy, blanket, wa-wa, taggie, watch this, see it, that way, please, uh oh, outside, where are you? Song, watch out]43141770-D99F-4A66-B9A5-15554E09FBBE


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